Student Council

Student Council

A Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations.

Through projects and activities, student councils work to: 


FOUR houses under the leadership of the house-captains add “flavor” to all school activities, making students enthusiastic and competitive. The house members ensure that each of their constructive contributions is the necessary components towards leading a healthy student life.

AGNI HOUSE: Fight for what you believe; Marching towards Excellence; Fire Element, Dragon Animal, Red Colour VICTORY induces students to have a competitive spirit and should try and win all the task given to them. They should have a competitive spirit in life.

PRITHVI HOUSE: Let truth be your guide; In pursuit of Excellence; Earth Element, Snake Animal, Green Colour HONESTY imbibes in students to do all the given duties with utmost honesty and should not deceive anybody in life.

JAL HOUSE: Dare to think differently; Strive to be the best; Water Element, Shark Animal, Blue colour BRAVERY inculcates in students that they should not be afraid of any given situation in life and should face all the situation upfront and with utmost bravery.

VAAYU HOUSE: In union is strength; Together we excel; Air Element, Eagle Animal, Yellow colour WISDOM teaches students to be wise and kind to every being on the earth and to treat everyone equally.