Check the haircut, nails, uniform, and punctuality of your ward every morning.
See that your ward carries books, exercise books according to the time table for that day. No extra books are allowed.
See that your ward is prepared for the tests. Report cards and teachers remarks are to be noted periodically and responded to, without fail.
Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co.curricular activities and sports.
The school reserves the sole right to withhold students whose progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful or injuries to other students. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or willful damage to the school property is some other reasons for immediate dismissal.
Parents’ co-operation with the school authorities is absolutely essential to ensure their ward to derive maximum benefit from his/her education. In addition to the students’ Journal, which serves as a two way communication between parents and teachers, we also dispatch circulars periodically and parents are requested to read and sign the diary everyday without fail.
Open house is a day on which parents can meet all the teachers taking class for their wards to discuss about their progress. Hence we request the parents to attend the open house on a specific day and time without fail.
Parents / Guardians are not allowed to see the students or teachers during school hours without the prior permission of the principal.